Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Garden Design

Members of the South Tacoma Community Garden met on Thursday evening to take all of our ideas and meld them into one design.  Below you will see the fruit (or should I say vegetables or even flowers) of that work.  

Right now it may just look like a parking lot for construction paper, but if you squint a little and use a lot of your imagination then you will be able to see  "We've got gadgets and gizmos aplenty, we've got whoosits and whatsits galore, you want thingamabobos, we've got twenty..." wait sorry, wrong imagination.  Try this...

We've got sunflowers and raspberries a plenty
We've got herbs and fruit trees galore
You want raised beds?  We've got 16,
but who cares, no big deal, you want more?

How bout benches for sitting?
How bout a see through fence for a boundary and best of all
How bout a huge table in the middle for gathering and sitting and eating some of the fruits of our labors?

If you'd like to stay in the loop or are interested in renting a raised bed and becoming a member of the garden then e-mail

Til then, may all your seeds live long and prosper.

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