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  1. Charrie Hayward - CoordinatorOctober 4, 2015 at 10:36 AM

    As our first Spring/Summer season closes, I have to say I have learned a lot. First of all, being on the Leadership Team has been a great experience, kind of a learn as you go. I tend to be by the book and the entire membership is much more flexible - I am working on being more yielding. I want to Thank everyone for patience and surviving this first season.

    I haven't really gardened much myself, as my husband has done it in the past. The raised beds have made it possible for me to garden and the time I spend in the quiet garden playing with the plants is so wonderful. My job is very stressful at times and the garden time really allows me to decompress.

    I have 2 raised beds and take care of the free community bed. Out of the three beds (and veggies placed on my porch by other members) we have donated over 200 lbs of veggies to the Franciscan Dialysis Clinic, First Congregational Church, Visitation Church, and several neighbors. I know other members have donated to local organizations as well. For this reason, I am super proud of our success!

    I am anxious to see what next year brings as we are working hard to build a nice fence, a grand table and 5 more raised beds. If we can accomplish all this next season our garden will be complete and all our hard work will be there for all to enjoy.

  2. I am starting to get gardening fever! I keep thinking of what kind of soil mixture I am going to use in my bed this year. I will mix something with the Tagro we put in last year. Tagro has a fertilizer, but not sure I will use it. I would like to find something that holds the moisture and gives a good boost - so I will start investigating (I am looking for suggestions). I know I will not plant as many zucchini this year. WOW! Did we have a bunch of it! My white onions were absolutely wonderful - so they will go in immediately. We have been working on raising money for the garden and I am anxious to see what we will be able to accomplish this year. I see the garden every day and am so proud of our accomplishments thus far. As Thanksgiving and Christmas is behind us and New Years' right around the corner - I would like to wish all of you that will read this a Safe and Prosperous New Year!
