How did Picasso feel when he first sat before a blank canvas?
How about Michelangelo before a lump of clay
Or how do you think Paula Dean feels when she first stands in front of a hot skillet with a stick of butta?
Now, take a look at this picture and begin to imagine what might be.
Recently JT Curry, owner of Motors Northwest offered to donate this plot of land (which sits at the corner of 70th and Puget Sound) to the neighborhood for a community garden. A few of your neighbors along with the assistance of Harvest Northwest have taken him up on his offer and begun planning and dreaming of what might one day be.
If you would like to join us in this process, then we invite you to attend our next planning meeting on: Thursday, February 26th at 7:00 at First Congregational Church (corner of Puget Sound and 72nd, come in through the kitchen door).
Until then, if you have any questions or comments you can e-mail Ken Sikes ( or Charrie Hayward (